    so far. many people have changed their views of DmC. some, sadly didn't. it's a shame to me. but  i'd rather see them caring rather than not giving a crap at all. 

    As you all know, DmC is going to be a [reboot] but still, it has bits and pieces of the series within it. just not the same storyline setting. such as Vergil. being an protagonist, instead of a antagonist. and Mundus being disguised as a human being. instead of three glowing orbs .
    I believe that DmC is  going to be a slight bit [better] than the other series. mostly because of the on-going hatred. and the new design.
Ahem, Much respect to Tameem Antoniades .
overall, you'll see lots of new exciting things for DmC next year. keep your eyes open!

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    this is irrelevent, but I'll tell you. I'm a girl who loves Devil May Cry. I've been representing DMC forever. since i was 6. Devoted to ALL
    of DmC anything.

    ,and not to mention that my name is Ashlee. but you can call me Natsu


    September 2012
    August 2012