Dante-  Dante grew up in various institutions, orphanages ,youth correction facilities and foster homes. Dante is counted by his officials in the city where he lives, in Limbo city. Dante fell into the category of being a "Teorrist" as Bob Barbas explains (Host of the Raptr New Network) Dante is also being pursued by both national and worldwide demonic authorities. overall, Dante is a social outcast himself ,A Rebellious hot head that lives and fights in Limbo city..Dante has a quick wit and dark sense of humuor. He also has a friendlylove for his companion [Kat]



Kat- Kat, is Dante's loyal Companion. helping him as a guide while in the twisted demonic Limbo City. Kat  is Dante's voice of reason. helping Dante stay out of trouble and stop him from  drawing attention to himself. 
    She works for the order. basically An organization  that opposes the Demonic authorites of Limbo. 
    Kat is a psychic. she is indeed human. and she can leave and enter Limbo whenever she chooses.
but overall. she'd put her self at risk to protect Dante.

Vergil- vergil is dante's twin brother. vergil was recently revealed as the "masked
man". Vergil runs an organization called "the order". the organization opposes
the whole economic system. also the demonic mischief within it as well. Vergil
plays as a protagonist alongside Dante. He has a goal is to save the world from the demonic rule.

Bob Barbas- Bob Barbas is the host of the Raptr News Network [RNN]  he taunts Dante by making false accusations about Him.

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    this is irrelevent, but I'll tell you. I'm a girl who loves Devil May Cry. I've been representing DMC forever. since i was 6. Devoted to ALL
    of DmC anything.

    ,and not to mention that my name is Ashlee. but you can call me Natsu


    September 2012
    August 2012